Sing to the tune of My Country ‘Tis of Thee.
French version:
In-vo-quons tous le nom
De notre cher patron,
Saint Jean-Baptiste.
Qu’il daigne protéger
Ses fils et leur foyer
Et qu’au sein du danger
Il nous assiste.
Ré-u-nis dans ces lieux,
Nous t’adressons nos voeux,
Saint Jean-Baptiste.
Daigne de nos discours
Har-mo-ni-ser le cours,
Et equ la paix toujours
Ici subsiste.
English translation:
Let’s all know the name
of our dear leader,
Saint John the Baptist.
Let him protect
His sons and their home
And that when in danger
He will help us.
Gathered in these places,
We send you our wishes,
Saint John the Baptist.
From our speeches
Harmonize the way,
And there will always
be peace.